Why Spring is the Perfect Time for Chimney Maintenance in NH

Spring is dubbed as the season for new beginnings and renewal. Flowers bloom as the remnants of winter thaw, and the weather shifts into cosy and warmer days. For many homeowners, this brings an excellent opportunity to revamp their homes, better known as Spring cleaning. However, if there is one area that many often overlook during this time of the year, it is the chimney. Experts, however, suggest that spring is the perfect time for chimney maintenance. Here's why. 

The Toll of Winter on Your Chimney

Spring is the season after full use of your chimney. And if there is anything we can say about the relationship between winter and chimney, snow and the cold season can be harsh on your fireplace. The combination of freezing temperatures, moisture, and the continuous burning of wood stoves means your chimney has endured a lot. 

This causes creosote buildup, a byproduct of burning wood, to accumulate in the flue of your chimney, along with soot and ash. While this is a normal process, too much of this substance can pose a safety risk for your household. Creosote is highly flammable and will obstruct the airflow in your home, which can lead to serious problems. 

Moreover, the freeze-thaw cycle of the winter season can cause damage to the masonry of your chimney. As the snow melts, the water can seep into the tiny cracks. When the temperature drops again, the water will freeze and expand. This cycle repeats throughout the season, causing severe damage to the bricks and mortar and deteriorating over time, leading to crumbling of the mortar joints and further cracking. When left unchecked, this can lead to serious structural issues for your chimney. 

Perfect Weather Conditions

Spring provides the perfect weather conditions for cleaning, hence the idea of spring cleaning. The moderate climate and ideal temperature (mild and relatively dry) make it easy and comfortable to move around and do some handiwork. 

Why not wait until summer? 

The warm weather of summer means a colder temperature inside the chimney. When this happens, the cold causes sooty air to be released inside your house, causing a prominent burnt smell. 

Moreover, the ash and soot may become damp since you will only burn wood in your chimney the following winter. Again, this can lead to a sooty smell infiltrating your home.

Avoid the Rush

Spring is the off-peak season for chimney servicing. Unlike in fall and early winter, where chimney repair and sweeps are in high demand, spring is the perfect time to get ahead of the rush.

When the temperature starts to drop, chimney repair and maintenance companies are bombarded with servicing requests. The colder weather reminds many homeowners to prepare their fireplaces for the winter. Thus, fall becomes the busiest time of the year for chimney services such as chimney sweeps, which also means it can be difficult for you to get on their schedule. You can avoid this chaos by getting ahead of the rush. 

Moreover, since service professionals are not tightly scheduled, they will have more time to conduct thorough inspections and perform any necessary repairs to your chimney. This means you get a more thorough and attention to detail in your servicing, which is an excellent way to catch problems early. 

Avoid Higher Cost

Again, since spring is off-season for chimney services, you can get the same quality of service for a more affordable price. As with most things in life, peak season entails higher costs. It's the fundamental law of supply and demand.

Since most people usually get their chimneys and fireplaces checked right before winter or during the fall rush, rates for all chimney services tend to be higher.

Moreover, if your chimney develops issues in the middle of winter, you will be forced to spend cold days (and nights) while the pros work on it.

Avoid Moisture Problems

Moisture and prolonged water exposure can lead to many issues, from deteriorating mortar to rusted damper assemblies to damage and weakening of the structural integrity of chimney. A thorough inspection during spring, however, will allow you to spot potential problems and fix them as soon as possible before they become more serious.

Waterproofing treatment is one of the most common chimney services during spring. This helps protect the chimney from the harsh elements and extend its lifespan by preventing damage caused by winter. 

Hired professional waterproofing a chimney.

Keep Animals Away 

Animals like birds, squirrels, and raccoons are more active during the warm season. They tend to favor higher places to build their nests, and chimneys are often their prime target. The nests and various debris that these animals bring will not only block the chimney, but they are also fire hazards, can bring unpleasant odours indoors, and will likely attract other pests. Preventative measures such as getting your chimney professionally serviced and fitted with the proper cap (or screen) are the best way to avoid this problem. 

Get Ahead of Your Spring Schedule

Your chimney goes through a lot of use (and abuse) during winter. Thus, you can expect various issues to arise after continuous use. A thorough inspection will allow you to plan for the repairs and renovations your chimney may need before winter. Maintenance and repair work such as rebuilding or relining are crucial for the efficiency of your chimney. These things, however, may take time, depending on the work that needs to be done in your chimney and fireplace. The spring provides ample time to complete these projects without the pressure of the imminent cold season. 

Moreover, planning means you can have more time to make a budget for the necessary repairs. By knowing what needs to be done, you can prepare and schedule for it in advance without the financial burden and stress of last-minute emergency repairs. 

The Takeaway

Taking care of your chimney during spring provides peace of mind. Knowing that your fireplace is ready and in good condition gives you one less thing to worry about so you can enjoy the days of the warmer months ahead of the colder months to come.


Prepare for Next Winter: Spring Cleaning Checklist for Your New Hampshire Chimney


The Importance of Regular Chimney Sweeping: Keeping Your New Hampshire Home Safe